Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Which restaurants will be open on Thanksgiving Day in Palm Springs - Dickie O'Neal's Irish Pub Restaurant

4.5 star rated on - Dickie O'Neal's Irish Pub Restaurant's 5th Annual Orphan's Thanksgiving Supper.  Open 7am for breakfast, 11am supper is served.  Dining room open until 10pm, bar area 'til 2am. Children always welcome.  Palm Spring, Ca 92262

Thanksgiving 2014
Palm Springs, California 92262
OPEN ON THANKSGIVING! All day and our 
Orphan's Thanksgiving Supper starts at 11am 'til we run out of bird. 
How about a breakfast Bloody Mary $2 with your dog, on our patio?
Dickie O' Neal's Irish Pub + Restaurant is open for Thanksgiving in Palm Springs. Breakfast served at 7am.

Dickie O'Neal's Irish Pub Restaurant